Not So “Hidden Valley” Ranch Dressing

27 June, 2021

We’re baaack……..!!!!!!!!!! Sorry for the hiatus. It has been a crazy year switching through two new jobs, moving (again…..), and going through a house renovation. All that combined with COVID made it a challenge to have a consistent schedule. This summer we are resetting. Annika is coming back to the US for part of the summer, and I am finally somewhat settled in Norfolk, VA (for the time being of course).

For this post I am writing to you from Windham Maine, where I have found over the last year, has been a needed escape from the chaos that is my everyday life to come reset (especially after all we have seen with COVID). For those of us who mainly habitat in cities, I think we have all come to appreciate the beauty of getting away from the city for some fresh open air. We also have a guest appearance from Abigail (my sister), all the way from Kodiak Alaska (she really wanted to be on the blog apparently).

This recipe was a special request from Annika, because some of her friends in Belgium had never had ranch dressing. This is a a travesty and needs to be fixed immediately! They don’t know what they are missing, once you go ranch you never go back!

Who doesn’t love ranch dressing?????? If you don’t we can’t possibly be friends…… (Just kidding, I don’t dressing discriminate). I myself am a ranch dressing fanatic, and have been a loyal hidden valley groupie, but I have recently been inspired by the craft pizza joints and my own herb garden to start making my own fresh ranch. This was by far one of the best decisions I have ever made in my lifetime. This recipe will become a staple in your fridge, standing at the ready for any chicken tenders, pizza, or French fries that you may need as a vessel to get this tasty dressing into your mouth (or if your a health fanatic I guess you could use it in a salad to……).

The key to this recipe is start with the ratios I will provide, and then doctor and adjust based on what you intend the sauce to be used for. For example, a thicker ranch is better for dipping fries and chicken, but you may want a more liquidly option for a salad. I also find that the dressing thickens up as it sets once you put it in the fridge, so you may have to add some more buttermilk later on to make it salad friendly. Play around with the ingredients. You can try substituting sour cream for mayo or whole milk for butter milk. The options are endless!


1/3 cup of chopped dill

1/3 cup of chopped chives

1/3 cup of chopped parsley

2 tsps of onion powder

2 tsps of garlic powder (chopped garlic is also and option)

One Cup of Buttermilk (I got to use some fresh buttermilk from Pineland Farms in Maine, Picture of Betsy the cow above)

One cup of you favorite mayonnaise (I recommend Hellmann’s or Dukes, a healthier option is Sir Kensington’s avocado oil mayo)

Directions to the Valley

  1. Chop chop chop! Dice all of your dill, parsley, and chives. I personally prefer more of a dill taste, so I add a little extra dill in there for good measure.

  2. Place all of the ingredients into a medium mixing bowl. You do have the option of placing them into a mason jar and shaking to mix, but I think you get a better consistency if you mix everything with a whisk before you serve or store it.

  3. Check the consistency of the dressing. If you think it is to much liquid, then add more mayo. If it is to thick, then add more buttermilk. Check again for taste to see if it needs more onion or garlic powder.

Dip and Toss Away!


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